Wednesday-Friday: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
1006 Penn Ave., La Grande, OR 97850
PO Box 541, La Grande, OR 97850
[email protected]

Bill has been a professional artist for over 30 years, with primary mediums in pencil drawing, ink, watercolor, stained glass, clay and oils. His philosophy is to transmit his love of art to others while maintaining individual creativity, integrity and respect. He has a Bachelors Degree in Art from Eastern Oregon University and an Oregon Teaching license with an HQ endorsement for K-12. He retired from teaching art at Grant Union High School in 2006. In the twenty years he worked in John Day, he taught workshops for elementary teachers, local art groups and children’s enrichment programs.
Residency Objectives:
Bill will work with the school or site to develop a residency that meets State requirements. He specializes in drawing, one and two-point perspective, watercolor, collage and an array of craft projects. Students will: (1) know how art is a part of their lives, (2) have an appreciation of all arts and (3) understand the joy of working with their hands to complete an art project.
Staff and Community Offerings:
A mini-workshop can be arranged on an evening for teachers, parents and townspeople with a project related to what the students are doing to give them an appreciation of art. He will also share ideas on ways to integrate the arts throughout the community and school curriculum.
Facilities and Supplies:
Table space large enough to work on projects. In-room sink.
Material Costs:
Cost is determined by projects.
Connection to other Subjects:
Math, Music, Science, Social Studies