Wednesday-Friday: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
1006 Penn Ave., La Grande, OR 97850
PO Box 541, La Grande, OR 97850
[email protected]

(Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education) Carol has enjoyed sharing Rhythm-Quest teaching and residencies for students of all ages since 1995. “My love of music, movement and Africa inspired me to study with several Addy family musicians and dancers from Ghana, West Africa.” She continues to perform with Sonkofa and other musical groups.
Residency Objectives:
Students will become personally aware of the meaning of dance from their own activities and thus form a connection to the meaning of dance for others. They will experience the moves and feel the messages in the movements. They will grow to understand the connection between the drum rhytms and dance and conversations. They will be involved with creating the choreography necessary to present what they have learned in a performance.
Staff and Community Offerings:
Community/teacher in-service of drum and dance lessons, focusing on rhythm and dance for everyday life and classroom use.
Facilities and Supplies:
Large, flat, resilient floor area (not tile or cement) where people can move. Secure storage space for drums.
Material Costs:
$50.00 drum maintenance fee per week.
Connection to other Subjects:
PE, Math, Music, Science, Social Studies.