Carol Poppenga

(Bachelor of Arts and History) Carol created her first wall art when she was in pre-school. Her mother allowed her to continue adding marks to her “masterpiece” as long as she contained the work within the generous area her mother had taped off. Today Carol is a professional artist with more then 35 years of experience. She has a passion for art making and believes the desire to pursue a creative process is part of the human psyche. Although she currently focuses on oils, she has also worked in pastel, pencil, acrylic, pen/ink, and silkscreen. Her most recent works are part of a series in which she explores the landscape subject as memory: latent images in the mind’s eye.

Residency Objectives:
Through hands-on projects, students gain knowledge of how an artist’s process and presentation is related to the concept/purpose of the final art product. They also learn how artists assimilate or appropriate various elements or ideas. Using familiar drawing tools, students learn to “speak” the basic visual language of art. Mural projects (either interior or exterior walls, or an installation of components) are completed by the end of the residency. Emphasis is on the students’ work and self-discovery

Staff and Community Offerings:
Discussion workshops about art (its process, appreciation and practical application) with teachers or community groups.

Facilities and Supplies:
Classroom or traveling cart. Paints, pencils, paper and fabric.

Material Costs:
Depends on donations and existing school supplies.

Connection to other Subjects:
History, Art, Music, Math, Science.