Oregon Wildflower Bouquet Paint-by-Number Kit


Oregon Wildflower Bouquet Paint-by-Number Kit

“Oregon Wildflower Bouquet” features a bunch of blooms native to the Pacific Northwest, including Prairie Fire, Blue Lupine, Yarrow, Lavender, and Chicory. The preprinted background is rich black. Completing the painting can take between 3-5 hours. Recommended for ages 13 and up.

What’s inside:
(1) 8×10 artist-quality, un-mounted canvas with pre-printed background
(8) American-made acrylic paints
(2) Princeton brush paintbrushes

Artist: elle crée (she creates)
Cost: $38
Local pick-up
Local Delivery (La Grande City Limits)

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ACE Member: $37, Non-Member: $44


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