Wednesday-Friday: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
1006 Penn Ave., La Grande, OR 97850
PO Box 541, La Grande, OR 97850
[email protected]

Click on any class title in the calendar below to see details, pricing, and to complete quick and secure online registration.
Register early to avoid class cancellations – classes must reach minimum enrollment 48 hours prior to their scheduled start time in order to run.
Click here for Youth Arts Learning Fund information.
August 5 from 10:00 – 11:00 am
Come play, experiment, and learn how to do art! Children will be given brief and simple instructions on the project of the day. This might include acrylic painting, decorating a card, making fruit and/or vegetable prints, or painting wood. We’ll use kid-safe acrylic paint with a variety of tools including paint brushes, tooth brushes, vegetable stamps, and leaves. Art making at an early age can enhance fine motor skills, creativity, problem solving, not to mention joy! The group space provides opportunities to work on cooperation, sharing, turn taking and respecting space. All supplies included. Please enter through the 5th Street door.
Teaching Artist: Rebecca Curry
Cost: Free
Funded by the Art Center East Youth Scholarship Fund, Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation, Oregon Community Foundation, and Oregon Cultural Trust.
Be sure to fill out a Youth Release Form & RSVP for ONLY your children below! Please be sure to add each child’s name in “Student Name” for each child attending.
If you are 18 and under, and have not already filled out a youth release form, CLICK HERE to fill one out!
Read about our COVID policies here.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out and let us know. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Registration cancellations & transfers must be made through Art Center East at (541) 624-2800 48 hours or more before the class start time. We cannot issue refunds or transfers for cancellations received after the 48-hour cutoff. Exceptions will be considered for medical or family emergencies. ACE will honor a refund, minus a $10 administration fee when the cancellation is made 48 hours or more before class start date. When a class is canceled due to low enrollment, we will issue a refund for all registration fees. ACE will contact you in the event of a cancellation. Face coverings will be required in accordance with statewide regulations current at the time.