Save the date!

February and March 2025: ACE’s ninth annual Fiber Arts & Jewelry Exhibit showcases the work of local and regional fiber and jewelry artists and celebrates these underrepresented branches of the visual arts.


Art Center East invites you to enter your work in the ninth annual Fiber Arts & Jewelry Exhibit. Please note that you must be age 18 or older to participate.


Exhibit dates: February 7 - March 29, 2025

Exhibit Theme

The 2025 exhibit theme is Folklore in Fiber: Myths, Mysteries, Fairytales, and Folk Traditions. Artists are to select any myth, mystery, fairytale, or folk tradition of their choosing as a springboard to create new jewelry or fiber artworks. Artists must include their folklore references in their Artist Statement (see application form).


Artists are invited to draw inspiration from a wide range of folklore, from widely-recognized legends to family tales passed down through generations. We have set artists the challenge of bringing these stories to life and expressing them through colors, textures, content, and style within their chosen medium.


Each artist may submit up to five (5) fiber or jewelry pieces that incorporate any folklore reference. Each artwork submitted may relate to a separate folklore reference or multiple submissions may relate to the same reference.


Don’t forget to share your creative journey! Tag Art Center East in your social media posts @artcentereast


Submission Requirements

- Artists must be 18 years of age or older. 

- Up to five (5) submissions per artist! Artists are welcome to enter as many as five gallery-ready pieces; at least three (3) of those pieces will be included in the exhibit, gallery space permitting.


- Online submission period: September 1, 2024 - February 1, 2025. ACE does not accept incomplete submission forms or artworks delivered without an accompanying online form. We cannot accept online forms/artwork submissions after Saturday, February 1 at 2:00 pm.

- The artwork submission form must be filled out and submitted online. Please contact ACE at 541-624-2800 if you experience technical difficulties.

- Some examples of fiber mediums: fabric, yarn, paper, weaving, and leather.

- Fiber arts submissions must be delivered to ACE (or mailed to ACE with a delivery date no later than February 1, 2025) ready to display with display equipment and any display instructions provided by the artist.

- Jewelry submissions must be delivered to ACE (or mailed to ACE with a delivery date no later than February 1, 2025) on a display provided by the artist. The display must be gallery-appropriate and must sit safely on an ACE pedestal. 


-  Mail your gallery-ready piece(s) to Art Center East, P.O. Box 541, La Grande, Oregon 97850, with an anticipated delivery date between January 29 - February 1, 2025. Please email the tracking number to Gallery Director Jennifer Durr [email protected]

- Artists are strongly encouraged, but not required, to have their work for sale. There is a 30% commission for current Art Center East members ($30/year Solo Artist Membership or higher tier) and a 40% commission for non-members. Purchase or renew your ACE membership!

- Artists must submit an IRS W-9 Form to ACE in order to receive payment for the sale of their artwork. Payment will be sent on the fifth day of the month that follows the purchase date.


Questions? Contact ACE Gallery Director Jennifer Durr via email [email protected] or by phone 541-624-2800.


Important Dates

- Online Application Deadline: February 1, 2025 at 2:00 pm


- Artwork drop-off days: January 29 - February 1. Drop off your artwork during ACE business hours: Wednesday - Friday 12:00 - 5:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. 


- Opening Reception: Friday, February 7 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm


- Closing Reception: Friday, March 28 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm **We’ll announce the 2026 exhibit theme at the reception!**Exhibit Duration: February 7 - March 29, 2025


- Artwork collection days: April 2 - 5. Collect your artwork during ACE business hours: Wednesday - Friday 12:00 - 5:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.


Entry Fee

The entry fee is $35.00 regardless of an artist’s ACE membership status. The $35.00 fee covers 1-5 artworks. Ask about our pay-it-forward program if you need assistance with the entry fee.