Art Center East (ACE) greatly values our relationships and partnerships with local businesses. Whether you would like to join with an annual Business Membership or become a Business Sponsor of specific ACE event(s) or program(s), we invite you to support our long-running work in bringing arts opportunities and arts education to the entire Eastern Oregon region. 


Business Sponsorships help ACE offer free community events and free or reduced-cost registration fees for participants in our community programs. 


Sponsorships support a wide variety of ACE events and ACE programs. Your business mission and goals might align with ACE’s goals in offering these events and programs to community members of all ages. Read on to learn about current sponsorship opportunities and ACE’s goals.


If you would like to learn more about Business Memberships, click here. 


For questions regarding Business Memberships and/or Sponsorships, email [email protected].


Community Music Program

ACE offers opportunities for community members to experience the joy of music at affordable rates. One way we continue to offer the long-running Community Music Program is through the support of businesses like yours.

Sponsors of the Community Music Program help ACE provide children, teens, and adults with 100% scholarships for community music ensemble fees or the cost of private music lessons. ACE ensembles and private music lessons are led by professional musicians who are also excellent, experienced educators. If you would like more information about the Community Music Program, please visit

ACE’s average annual cost for this program is $15,000; this does not include the cost of staff time. We keep the program thriving and growing through sponsorships (in addition to seeking grants and other funding).

Community Music Program Sponsorship levels: 

$100 (sponsorships available: 150)

  • Your business logo on concert posters and media for 270 days from purchase date (Fall, Winter, Spring quarters)
  • Your logo on the Community Music webpage of ACE website for the 270 day season
  • One-time recognition on ACE’s Instagram (1,326 followers), Facebook (6,445 followers), and e-newsletter (3,087 recipients)
  • Recognition in each music event’s press release in The Observer, Baker City Herald, and Go! Magazine for the season
  • Sponsorship recognition in the Performing Arts section of ACE’s Quarterly Class/Events Schedule (8,000 print copies inserted in The Observer each quarter, issued in Union, Baker, and Wallowa Counties; quarterly schedule also available online) 
  • End of Year Thank-you in Go! Magazine advertisement distributed through The Observer and Baker City Herald 

$500 (sponsorships available: 30)  

  • Your business logo on concert posters and media for 270 days from purchase date (Fall, Winter, Spring quarters)
  • Your logo on the Community Music webpage of ACE website for the season
  • 2”x 3” ad in Winter ACE Quarterly Class/Events Schedule (5,400 subscribers)
  • One-time recognition on ACE’s Instagram (1,326 followers), Facebook (6,445 followers),and e-newsletter (3,087 recipients)
  • Recognition in each music event’s press release in The Observer, Baker City Herald, and Go! Magazine for the  season
  • Sponsorship recognition in the Performing Arts section of ACE’s Quarterly Class/Events Schedule (8,000 print copies inserted in The Observer each quarter, issued in Union, Baker, and Wallowa Counties; quarterly schedule also available online)  
  • End of Year Thank-you in Go! Magazine advertisement distributed through The Observer and Baker City Herald

$1,000 (sponsorships available: 15) 

  • Your business logo on concert posters and media for 270 days from purchase date (Fall, Winter, Spring quarters)
  • Your logo on the Community Music webpage of ACE website for the season
  • 2”x3” ad in Winter and Spring ACE Quarterly Class/Events Schedules (5,400 subscribers)
  • Recognition once per term (Fall, Winter, and Spring) on ACE’s Instagram (1,326 followers), Facebook (6,445 followers), and e-newsletter (3,087 recipients)(1,120 followers), Facebook (2,143 followers), and e-newsletter (2,186 recipients)
  • Recognition in each music event’s press release in The Observer, Baker City Herald, and Go! Magazine for the season
  • Sponsorship recognition in the Performing Arts section of ACE’s quarterly class/events schedule (8,000 print copies inserted in The Observer each quarter, issued in Union, Baker, and Wallowa Counties; quarterly schedule also available online) 
  • End of Year Thank-you in Go! Magazine advertisements distributed through The Observer and Baker City Herald

Sponsor submissions for the Annual Handmade Holidays Makers Market are needed by September 15 each year.

Handmade Holidays Makers Market (HHMM) is Art Center East’s most popular holiday shopping weekend of the year. The annual two-day event  draws over 1,500 visitors interested in purchasing locally-made gift items from more than 25 artists/artisans. ACE selects HHMM vendors for the quality and uniqueness of their work, and curates the lineup to include a balanced and engaging selection. No resale or corporate merchandise is accepted for sale at HHMM. All items for sale are made by the artist selling them.

 ACE does not collect a commission on artisans’ sales during this event, but instead collects a small booth fee to cover a portion of the advertising fees involved with offering this community opportunity. Those fees do not offset other necessary expenses associated with HHMM. Our hope is to acquire sponsors to support the other expenses for this event and help support the Gallery Program itself.

Your sponsorship benefits two ACE programs simultaneously: the annual HHMM and the ACE Gallery Program. The ACE Gallery Program includes three exhibition spaces - the Main Gallery, Orlaske Gallery, and Gift Gallery - that occupy the second floor of ACE’s building (an historic 1913 Carnegie Library). The three galleries offer valuable product exposure and revenue streams for local, artist-owned small businesses, helping to incubate a strong arts economy and contribute to the $1.2 million in economic activity generated by the arts and culture sector in Northeast Oregon. 

Handmade Holidays $150 Sponsorship

  • Your business logo included on ACE Galleries and ACE Sponsors webpages for 365 days from the purchase date. 
  • Business logo on Handmade Holidays event marketing materials, including event posters and other publicity materials
  • Business name included in event sponsors thank-you on ACE Facebook (6,445  followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and e-newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Business name included in ACE’s end of year thank-you in Go! Magazine (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • Business logo on half-page flyer (publicizing the holiday season at ACE) given to ACE gallery visitors beginning November 1, during year of purchase. (1,500 copies)

Handmade Holidays $300 Sponsorship  

  • Your business logo included on ACE Galleries and ACE Sponsors webpages for 365 days from the purchase date.
  • Business logo Handmade Holidays event marketing materials, including event posters and other publicity materials
  • Business name included in event sponsors thank-you on ACE Facebook (6,445  followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and e-newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Business name included in ACE’s end of year thank-you in Go! Magazine (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • Business logo on half-page flyer (publicizing the holiday season at ACE) given to ACE gallery visitors beginning November 1, during year of purchase (1,500 copies)
  • Free business ad in 2022 Winter Quarter ACE Classes/Events Schedule (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community.

Handmade Holidays $600 Sponsorship

  • Your business logo included on ACE Galleries and ACE Sponsors webpages for 365 days from the purchase date.
  • Business logo on Handmade Holidays event marketing materials, including event posters and other publicity materials
  • Business name included in event sponsors thank-you on ACE Facebook (2,140 followers), Instagram (1,177 followers) and e-newsletter (2,320 subscribers)
  • Business name included in ACE’s end of year thank-you in Go! Magazine (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • Business logo on half-page flyer (publicizing the holiday season at ACE) given to ACE gallery visitors beginning November 1, 2022. (1,500 copies)
  • Free business ad in Winter Quarter ACE Classes/Events Schedule (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • Two free VIP tickets for Handmade Holidays Makers Market exclusive VIP shopping hour (Friday from 3:00 - 4:00pm). Only 50 VIP shoppers will be present!

ACE’s Youth Arts Learning Fund provides youth up to age 18 with free or reduced-cost (50% off) arts experiences such as ACE classes, take-home arts learning kits, music ensembles, and more. Art Center East passionately supports children and teens exploring the arts, and the organization believes that fostering a love of the arts helps give youth creative joy and the confidence and skills to invest back into their communities in the future.

The Art Center East Youth Arts Learning Fund is funded by the Avista Foundation, Horizon Credit Union, Oregon Community Foundation, Oregon Cultural Trust, Reser Family Foundation, Roundhouse Foundation, Soroptimist International of La Grande, and Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation.

Youth Arts Learning Fund Sponsor - $50

  • Logo included on Youth Arts Learning Fund & Sponsors webpage for 365 days from purchase date. 
  • Social Media group thank you with other donors on Facebook (6,445 followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Name included in the end of year “Thank You” in The Go! (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)


Youth Arts Learning Fund Sponsor - $100

  • Logo included on Youth Arts Learning Fund & Sponsors webpage for 365 days from purchase date. 
  • Business logo on the marketing materials for program related events
  • Group thank you with fellow donors on Facebook  (6,445 followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Name included in the end of year “Thank You” in The Go! (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • Ad in ACE’s Programming Schedule (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)


Youth Arts Learning Fund Sponsor - $500

  • Logo included on Youth Arts Learning Fund & Sponsors webpage for 365 days from purchase date. 
  • Business logo on the marketing materials for program-related events
  • Business spotlight recognition on Facebook  (6,445 followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Name included in the end of year “Thank You” in The Go! (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • Ad in ACE’s Programming Schedule (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)


Submissions for the individual exhibits are needed two months before the exhibit opening date.

The Art Center East (ACE) Galleries include three exhibition spaces - The Main Gallery, The Orlaske Gallery, and The Gift Gallery - that make up the majority of the second floor within the ACE building, located at 1006 Penn Avenue, La Grande, Oregon in ​​a historic Carnegie Library. The three galleries offer valuable product exposure and revenue streams for local, artist-owned small businesses, helping to incubate a strong arts economy and contribute to the $1.2 million in economic activity generated by the arts culture sector in Northeast Oregon. The Main & Orlaske Galleries are the only international fine art exhibit spaces in Union County. They are community-supported galleries funded by Art Center East memberships, private donors, and sponsors.

These galleries provide local artists the opportunity to share their work in live and virtual settings. Artists can sell all their work through the galleries and often gain more popularity for their work.  Each exhibition has a festive opening and closing reception with complimentary hors d'oeuvres and beverages, and is on display for approximately 1-2 months. Exhibits are free and open to the public. Exhibits can also be viewed online thanks to a partnership with John J. Howard Real Estate. Shop current exhibition art here.

Finally, our exhibiting gallery artists now have the opportunity to give live artist talks that are funded, in part, by Oregon Humanities. These artist talks are vital to the sharing of an artist’s medium and talents. These live events bring the community together to learn about the intertwined workings of creating visual art. 

Your sponsorship helps us to continue to offer all the above gallery opportunities to the wider community for free, while ensuring that working artists earn a living wage from the sale of their creative work. 

Exhibit Sponsor Level 1 - $500

  • Logo included on Art Center East Galleries & Sponsors webpages for 365 days from purchase date. 
  • Social Media group thank you with other donors on Facebook  (6,445 followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Name included in the end of year “Thank You” in The Go! (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • Recognition in exhibit press release in The Observer/Herald Go! Magazine. (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)

Exhibit Sponsor Level 2 - $1000

  • Logo included on Art Center East Galleries & Sponsors webpages for 365 days from purchase date.
  • Social Media group thank you with other donors on Facebook  (6,445 followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Name included in the end of year “Thank You” in The Go! (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • Logo on exhibit poster distributed throughout Union County and digitally through our 10-county service region
  • Recognition in exhibit press release in The Observer/Herald Go! Magazine. (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • 2in x 3in Logo Insert in Program schedule sponsorship recognition (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)
  • Logo on laminated poster on ACE entry door during the exhibit
  • Special recognition at Opening and Closing Receptions, as well has VIP access access the exhibits one hour before the premiere.

The Big 

This annual art exhibit serves multiple purposes: it invites Eastern Oregon & other Pacific Northwest artists to celebrate the arts, creates awareness of the value of arts in our communities, and raises funds for Art Center East’s Gallery Program. The Annual Open Exhibit is on display from December through the end of January. 


All artists that submit work and have it exhibited through The Big: Annual Open Exhibit are eligible to win cash prizesawarded at the guest judges’ discretion.

Guest judges are invited to volunteer for this position by Art Center East Gallery Director Jennifer Durr. If you'd like to be a judge, please contact [email protected].


Art Center East would like to provide the opportunity for ACE supporters to help sponsor the awards for these amazing artists! See the opportunities below. 


Best in Show Award: $500 Best Two-Dimensional Award: $300 Best Three-Dimensional Piece: $300
Best in Fiber Award: $250 Best Creative Glass Award: $100 Sponsored by Birddog Glass Best Glass Award (functional): $100
Best in Ceramics: Sculptural: $100 Best in Ceramics: Functional: $100 Best in Woodworking: $100
Best in Metal: $100 Outstanding Jewelry Award: $100 Fred Hill Best Photography Award: $100
Best in Commercially Printed Photography Award: $100 People's Choice Award: $100 Art Center East Honorable Mentions ($50 each up to 10 artists)


The Big: ACE's Annual Open Exhibit Award Sponsor Perks

  • Business name and link next to sponsored award on both the main event page for The Big for 365 days from purchase date. 
  • Business logo on event page and sponsorship page
  • Business logo on awards certificates given to artists
  • Group thank you with fellow donors on Facebook  (6,445 followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Name included in the end of year “Thank You” in The Go! (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)

Fall is here and we’re organizing our annual Día de los Muertos / Day of the Dead K-12 student art exhibit and free community celebration.


Día de los Muertos is a Mexican national holiday that celebrates the joys of life and offers an opportunity to honor loved ones who have passed away. This celebration is cheerful and playful rather than mournful and sad, and its traditions highlight the importance of family.


ACE will host a free, family-friendly opening reception for the Día de los Muertos art exhibit. Artwork by Union County K-12 students will be on display. Students explore Día de los Muertos folk-art themes and learn about the history, meaning, and importance of the holiday from school curriculum packets prepared by ACE staff. 


A community ofrenda (altar) is also part of the exhibit. Community members of all ages are invited to add to the beautiful altar throughout the duration of the exhibit by bringing photographs and/or mementos that honor their departed loved ones. This year there will be quiet, candlelit reflection times to view the ofrenda in the evening hours as well as additional opportunities such as pop-up classes celebrating Latinx/Hispanic traditions, art, and culture. 


We invite you to help make this year’s event the best one yet by becoming a Día de los Muertos / Day of the Dead business sponsor.

Please email [email protected] if this sponsorship opportunity interests you!

Submissions for the 2023 Spring Classes are needed by February 25, 2023.


We at ACE are excited to reach out to local businesses regarding sponsorship for the Wild Preschool, Wild School, and Discover After School programs. These nature-based programs are completely free and for youth 0 to 14. These classes take place at Pete’s Pond in the Blue Mountain Conservancy. Students connect with nature and friends, engage in hands-on earth science projects, and create nature-based art. In our technology-driven society, it is becoming more and more critical for young children to spend time developing a connection with nature early in their lives. Students create different nature-based art projects in each class while using a variety of mediums, including mud painting, leaf mandalas, nature weavings, and more. These programs are essential to the continued education of nature preservation and conservation.


Your sponsorship would go towards Winter 2023 - Spring 2024 program expenses. These expenses include $1,300 worth of arts learning supplies, $450 for on-site porta potties, and teacher compensation averaging $2,200. In order to continue to offer these programs for free to youth, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Coffee Shop Cruzin Caps

ACE staff would like to work with you to design arts-themed Cruzin Caps (small self-adhesive “stickers” that cover the sip hole on drink lids) for your to-go coffee business. This is a way to support local arts opportunities and support Art Center East’s work for the community through a useful marketing product that you may already use for your business’ day-to-day functions. 

One Quarter (3 months) Sponsorship - $50

  • 40 sheets of CruizinCap stickers (totaling 1,440 stickers)
  • ACE staff will design, order, and deliver.
  • Business logo listed on ACE’s Supporters Webpage


Two Quarter (6 months) Sponsorship - $100

  • 80 sheets of CruizinCap stickers (totaling 2,880 stickers)
  • ACE staff will design, order, and deliver.
  • Business logo listed on ACE’s Supporters Webpage
  • Social Media shoutouts on Facebook  (6,445 followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and newsletter (3,087 subscribers)


Three Quarter (9 months) Sponsorship - $200

  • 160 sheets of CruizinCap stickers (totaling 5,760 stickers)
  • ACE staff will design, order, and deliver.
  • Business logo & Website listed an ACE’s Supporters & Visit webpages
  • Social Media shoutout on Facebook  (6,445 followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Name included in the end of year “Thank You” in The Go! (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)

Four Quarter (12 months) Sponsorship - $400

  • 320 sheets of CruizinCap stickers (totaling 10,560 stickers)
  • ACE staff will design, order, and deliver.
  • Business logo & Website listed an ACE’s Supporters & Visit webpages
  • Social Media shoutout on Facebook  (6,445 followers), Instagram (1,326 followers) and newsletter (3,087 subscribers)
  • Name included in the end of year “Thank You” in The Go! (print version to 6,300 subscribers plus 2,000 copies distributed in the community)